A proven leader in hydrogen and clean energy.
Providing a crucial role in guiding our strategic direction and accelerating the growth of our hydrogen refuelling solutions.
Hgh-capacity refuelling for hydrogen-powered vehicles including cars, trucks, buses, and boats.
Refuelling cars for the Queensland Government.
Hyundai NEXO police car.
700 bar refuelling solution.
Refuelling the Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell.
An incredible milestone.
Transition to hydrogen buses and trucks.
Well done Ports of Auckland on your strong vision and leading the way towards zero emissions!
New hydrogen centre of excellence.
Supporting the deployment of the new Queensland Government fleet.
The Gateway Refueller™ mobile hydrogen refuelling solution.
Supporting Hyundai Motors New Zealand in their hydrogen endeavours.
Providing a flexible solution to getting hydrogen transportation projects underway.
Continuing our roll out of a hydrogen network across Australia and New Zealand.
Providing Auckland Transport with a hydrogen refuelling solution.
H2H support from concept and specification through to detailed design.
Queensland designed and manufactured.
H2H supports hydrogen clusters.
H2H partners with HyEt Hydrogen.
Progress on the Toyota Motor Corporation Australia hydrogen generation and refuelling site at Altona.
The H2H team were proud to complete Qld’s second 70 MPa FCEV refueller.
Get in touch with us to discuss your hydrogen project needs today.