Supporting the deployment of the new Queensland Government fleet.
H2H Energy are so proud to be supporting the deploymentof the new Queensland Government fleet of HyundaiMotor Company Australia Nexo FCEVs by providing a hydrogen refuelling solution that gets these great looking vehicles on the road!
Mick De Brenni said “The launch of these cars is a major step in Queensland’s bid to become a hydrogen superpower with five #Hyundai Nexos joining QFleet from Monday available for use by frontline health staff, educators and community workers.
A big shout-out to Leesa Watego, whose team at #IscariotMedia designed the striking Indigenous-inspired design for the cars. Plus, to Matt Mearesof #H2HEnergy and Michelle Gane at #QUT who also helped us get the cars on the road.
This is a landmark day for Queensland with the development of the State’s hydrogen industry forming a key part of the Palaszczuk Government’s plan for economic recovery from COVID-19. This is all about creating new industries and new jobs.
Look out for the cars on the road. You can’t miss them.”